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listen in to meaning in Hindi

listen in to sentence in Hindi
listen    ध्यान देना श्रवण
listen in    आवक श्रवण
in    अंदर का सत्तारूढ़
to    बन्द अवस्था में
1.We are used to having people listen in to what we say.

2.Another ex-buddy was letting people listen in to her moan.

3.When CIA tried to listen in to transmissions, there was silence.

4.Soon after, Sandy listens in to what Tom says.

5.Frequently, Garvey listens in to the conversations.

6.The equipment will be able to listen in to 28 million separate frequencies simultaneously,

7.United Airlines also lets them listen in to their pilot's radio communications.

8.Marshall then goes to see Sam while Charlie listens in to their conversation about the proposal.

9.Joan then listens in to the recording as she notices Bea turning her back on Kaz.

10.But if they wanted to, the police could slightly alter it to listen in to homes.

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How to say listen in to in Hindi and what is the meaning of listen in to in Hindi? listen in to Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.